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Green Recycling

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Steady business in 2024!


It has been a busy start to the year with lots of new contracts for waste collection, we have also seen a rise in the amount of dry mixed recycling that we recycle for other waste companies and councils.

In 2023, we managed to automate our recycling line, reducing the amount of pickers from 26 to 2. They are now running the main recycling line and keeping the materials flowing through the plant.

This has been a huge investment in TOMRA optical sorting machines, and machinery to size the different waste types to assist in the recycling process.

We are constantly innovating and developing new machinery (some are great, some are not so great!) to help to recycle more and be more efficient. 

This is going to be more important than ever as in April 2025, the government landfill tax is going to increase by £23 per ton. If we can recycle more, we can keep price increases to a minimum for our customers.

The prices that we receive for our recycleable products is just about average for the time of year. We have great markets for our glass, metals, cardboard and paper.

On a positive note, electricity prices are falling which is great for our processing equipment. Also a positive, is the waiting time for new plant and machinery is getting back to normal.

I would like to thank all of our staff for their positive outlook and team spirit. We deal with a whole range of customers and businesses, some are challenging, some are friendly and make our day with their positive comments.

We are really focusing on customer care and service at the moment and have a couple of new trucks arriving this year to replace older lorries that are getting a bit tired.

Loads to do this year, with lots of exciting times ahead!